Ten Little Known Types of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has been practiced in some form in almost every region of the world. It has a long history in traditional forms of medicine. This therapy has continually changed and evolved over the years giving rise to new types of therapies. Everyone has heard of Swedish massage and sports massage, but there are well over one hundreds types of massage therapy. Let’s take a look at some of the ancient and newer therapies that you may not know about.

AcroSage combines principles of shiatsu and yoga. During a session of this high-flying therapy the therapist massages you while balancing you in the air on his feet. This therapy is great for spinal decompression and stretching the entire body.

Active Release Technique or ART is a therapeutic soft tissue therapy that is movement based. This treatment is ideal for lengthening short muscles and addressing issues of chronic pain.

Bamboo Massage is a deep tissue massage during which the therapist uses warm bamboo sticks to massage you instead of her hands.

Breema is a Kurdish type of bodywork that is similar to Thai massage.

Hilot is a form bodywork that is used in traditional Filipino medicine. In this therapy you are covered with warm banana leaves before the session to warm up the muscles. The massage is usually preformed with coconut oil.

Hoshino therapy is a type of acupressure that specifically addresses the hardening of muscles and tendons around the joints.

Kahuna massage is a traditional Hawaiian massage that is based on the movements of a dance.

PUSH Therapy uses minimal force to affect deep-lying muscles. This therapy combines bodywork with aspects of martial arts.

Watsu is a form of shiatsu done in a pool of warm water.

Zero Balancing combines energy work with soft tissue manipulation to align your energetic fields while aligning your physical body.

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