Posts Tagged ‘ pregnancy

Reducing Labor Delivery Discomfort With Massage

Very few of today’s mothers-to-be can afford the luxury of being a stay at home mom, even during their pregnancy. Having to cater with the increasing pressures of a fast paced life style, between work and home, leaves the modern mother-to-be a very stressed out individual. While dealing with the rigors of daily life, home life, and her pregnancy, she is well aware that the wellness and health of her forthcoming child is crucial and depends a lot on how she handles these daily pressures. If she wants a smooth delivery process and the birth of a healthy happy baby it is essential she finds some way to deactivate some of these stresses and pressures.

Many seek holistic alternative approaches in addition to the traditional health services they are already receiving. Pregnancy massage therapy is alternative medicine therapy which offers therapeutic stress reduction value. Additionally, it enhances the function of joints and muscles, while improving blood circulation and relieving mental and physical fatigue.

Pregnancy massage can be provide prenatal, postnatal, and during the labor process. The rule is generally to refer massage either prenatal or post natal, however, its benefits can be enjoyed throughout the entire pregnancy and after. Most mums-to-be equate prenatal and post-natal massage to mean massage that takes place a few days or a few hours before or after the delivery.

During prenatal massage, the massage is focused on reducing pregnancy discomforts and aimed at enhancing the physiological and emotional well-being of the mother and the fetus. This produces a relaxed mother-to-be and aids in the development of a brainy, happy, healthy baby. Prenatal massage also helps to strengthen and prepare the muscles that are used during natural childbirth delivery process.

With a desire to have as natural a delivery as possible, without the use of an epidural or any other drugs, as well as shortening the delivery process as much as possible, a lot of pregnant women are now seeking alternative medicine therapies to assist them to that end. Experienced massage therapist with a strong focus in pregnancy massage utilize massage techniques which aid in shortening the delivery process and easing the pain and anxiety which is associated during labor.

The focus of post-natal massage is on toning the newly delivered mother’s body. Her body need to be brought back into balance and gotten back into shape. Post-natal massage helps reduce fluid retention, rejuvenate and re-energizes the mother which promotes healing, increases recovery, and enhances her ability to bond faster with her new baby.

With the major objective being the establishment of a good mental state and excellent physical health for herself and her new baby, more and more moms-to-be are opting into including holistic alternative medicine approaches as apart of their birthing experience. As the number of doctors participating in blended medicine discover the suitability and benefits of these alternative therapies, they readily refer and encourage them to do so.