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Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy Risks You Should Avoid

Athletes and active individuals are the population that are constantly battered with muscle related problems due to overuse, injury, stress, fatigue and tension on the muscle, joint and ligament. Therapeutic massage aside from the use of drugs, needles, surgery, medical equipments, and other modern technology in medical care is perhaps the most natural and effective method of treating body pain and sports or work related injuries.

There are many types of massage therapies though that are specially designed for treating acute and chronic pain. Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy is one of these therapeutic massages that are effective and has a higher success rate with every session. It associates massage therapy with the trigger point therapy and other elements needed to improve the therapy. Fingers are usually used by the therapist to apply pressure on the trigger points all over the human body. This method releases the points and in return relaxes the muscle and relieves pain at the same time.

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The therapy was invented by Bonnie Prudden who herself was suffering from an injury which her doctor’s prediction was “no more skiing, no climbing, that she will be limping and she should never have children”. She was very lucky and blessed to be successfully able to pass that stage of her life. In 1976, she was able to complete the development and improvement of her therapeutic massage and was able to introduce it to the public.

Along with the success and effectiveness of Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy was the popularity of both the treatment and the developer, Bonnie Prudden herself. The therapy was acclaimed to be of 95 percent success rate everytime used on muscle related acute or chronic pain problems. However, it can also be used in patients with medical conditions such as AIDS and cancer. Arthritis can also be treated with this therapy. In treating such conditions, the client requires a minimum of 10 sessions to be completed along with the self healing program. The program aids in the speeding up of the treatment for both the masseuse and the client.

Although the therapy is quite impressive, it also packs along risks and contraindications that should be considered by anyone who is interested and willing to try Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy. Considering the number of board exams and the years of training under the Bonnie Prudden program, the risks are higher than the other massage therapy types. The risks and contraindications in this therapeutic massage should never be taken as they can do more damage to the physical health of the patient rather than doing good. That is why Prudden emphasizes the importance of acquiring their service. However, if you are seeking the service of a Certified Bonnie Prudden massage therapist, you can have a peace of mind and relax comfortably while having your massage therapy. If you are still hesitant, it would be better if you consult with a doctor regarding the health benefits and effects of the therapy program and the risks it may contribute to your current medical condition.

How to Do Basic Indian Head Massage Therapy

Indian head massage or champissage is performed mainly on the head, neck, face and shoulder part of the body. It aims in giving the client freedom from stress and tension while experiencing a soothing massage treatment. This therapy uses gentle massage strokes commonly used in a Swedish massage therapy.

Before performing an Indian head massage or any other type of therapeutic massage, it is important to prepare the environment, location, massage oil, and massage table or chair, and even your massage skills.

In order to give a successful, effective, and satisfying Champissage therapy, you need to set up and create a good mood inside the massage therapy room. Secure a room in your house where there are no distractions or noise during the session. Make sure that you and your partner are comfortable with the location and that the aura in that room is pleasing and positive. Scented candles, massage oils, and soft or instrumental music are options you and your partner would want to use to spice up the relaxing environment. Massage oil can greatly enhance the gliding motion which is mostly used in a head massage; however it can be uncomfortable to some patients especially when applied on the forehead. Indian head massage can be done without applying oil on the skin. Place the chair in your preferred spot and begin the therapy.

Most massage spas that offer this technique have their patients evaluated for abnormalities on the head or injuries to avoid problems. It would be wise if you also do this on your partner prior to massaging the head, neck, face, shoulders and upper arms. In case you felt anything out of the ordinary such as bumps or swelling, do not proceed with the therapy as you can only aggravate the condition.

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On qualified patients, you can start by massaging the shoulders to release tension and stress. You can simply do this by pressing the back of the shoulders in an upward stroke with your thumb. Repeat the process for at least three repetitions. Now shift to the neck area and begin by slowly stimulating the nerves with soft gliding touch of your fingers. This allows the neck to relax and get ready for a neck massage. Massage using your thumbs in a circular motion as you move up to the bottom of the hairline at the neck. Repeat this technique three times going from the bottom of the neck all the way to the top while holding your thumb at the bottom of the back of the skull. Slowly release and work again on the shoulders. After you are done with the shoulder massage, focus the therapy on the scalp. You can do this in a combing motion using your fingers. Spread your fingers and face them upward as you gently squeeze the head on the scalp using the heel of your hands. Use the palm and heel of the hand to vigorously rub the back and side of the head. Lastly, do repetitions of hand gliding motions from the center of the forehead down to the temple. Finish the therapy session by brushing the head using light sliding massage technique.

Massaging Breasts

Massaging breasts for therapeutic needs such as reducing scar tissue, lymph drainage from breast surgeries or for pain due to breast augmentation, can actually provide tremendous pain relief. But, how can it be done discreetly and professionally?

For Scar Tissue

Breast massage for scar tissue is performed around the scar tissue, not actually on the scar itself. Light circular motions and/or a perpendicular massage (called transverse friction) are often a part of the massage technique, used to primarily increase circulation and break up or loosen the scar tissue.

The massage therapy should not be painful, but may be a little sensitive, depending on when surgery was done. However, according to many experts, massage and stretching the axilla (area under joint, where the arm connects to the shoulder) is the best way to treat scar tissue.

Deep massage on tissue that has had radiation therapy is not recommended, but, because radiation changes the amount of blood flow to the area, light massage to increase the blood flow of radiated tissue is often helpful.

For Lymph Drainage

Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) is a gentle technique that often provides relief and reduces swelling from lymphedema. Many massage therapists are choosing to study LDT in order to work with breast cancer patients.

LDT helps offer relief from soreness, inflammation and painful surgical procedure sites.

Techniques usually include long, one-direction, strokes to encourage the lymph flow and proper drainage.

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For Breast Augmentation

Breast massage for breast augmentation helps to prevent capsular contracture, which is scar tissue that forms around a foreign object in the body. Massage and stretching of the scar tissue not only keeps the area soft, but it also allows the space for the implant to move.

Techniques of breast massage are usually started within 3-4 days after the surgery, and are performed at least 3-5 times per week for the first 3 months.

They will include movement of the implant with massage, squeezing, and compression. Physicians will often provide written instructions to take home after the procedure, but many patients also choose to seek a professional massage practitioner’s help with more advanced techniques to address severe scar tissue and swelling.

Some massage therapists use a technique called cupping for breast health issues.

Massage breast cupping, when done correctly by a certified massage cupping provider, creates a light lifting of the scar tissue, decreasing pain receptors and allowing release of adhesions with very little pain to the patient. The lift of the cupping also increases lymphatic flow, reduces swelling, and calms and relaxes the patient.

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When used in conjunction with LDT, cupping can encourage drainage.

Always seek out a massage practitioner who has experience in LDT and massage cupping with breast cancer and/or breast augmentation patients. Ask lots of questions and make sure they are certified to do this type of massage cupping work.

Get the Benefit of a Massage At Home – Buy a Massage Recliner Chair

Who wouldn’t love to get a massage every day of the week and at any time of his or her choice? It is a well known fact that massages are extremely relaxing and that they also have plenty of therapeutic properties. People get massaged when they suffer from a great deal of stress in their lives. The act of being massaged causes endorphins to be released in your body. These ‘happy’ chemicals help to make your mood very elevated. Endorphins are also natural painkillers and they help you handle a variety of stresses and ailments. If you suffer from regular aches and pains in your muscles, you will benefit greatly from being massaged.

Massaging also helps to increase the blood circulation in your body. This also helps to keep you looking and feeling young for a very long time. Your improved blood circulation helps in the elimination of toxins. It also helps in taking nutrients to the far off parts of your body, thereby improving and hastening the process of cell rejuvenation. Massages are a very effective way of retaining one’s youth, vigor and vitality.

If there is only one drawback to massages, it is that they are quite expensive. You will have to pay a good deal of money in order to get these done, as a result of which you will not get them done as often as you want. Getting massaged every week or fortnight is really nice but it is simply not sufficient to get rid of all your aches and pains. Of course, massages do have other disadvantages. You have to locate a good masseuse and to fix appointments to go there. This can be quite a nuisance if you are a very busy person who can hardly be expected to take blocks of time out of your schedule in order to get massaged. Massages can also be quite messy especially if they make use of a lot of oil. Another problem you might face is if you are required to remove your clothes in order to be massaged.

There is a very simple solution to the problem. All you need to do is invest in a massage recliner chair so that you can get massaged as often as you need. These chairs are quite expensive but you will be quite happy to spend money on them when you start using them. If you are the owner of one of these chairs you can get massages any day you want. You do not need to worry about fixing appointments with a masseuse and taking time out of your schedule. The benefits are multiplied when more than one person in the family uses the chair in order to get massaged.

There are plenty of massage recliner chairs available in the market, which makes it very easy for you to find one that suits your requirements exactly. Make your selection well so that you enjoy years of massages from it. The only problem is that you will have to move your family members from the chair in order to get your turn on it!

Risks Involved In Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is undeniably beneficial to your physical and psychological aspect because of the fact that it is an effective way to gradually eliminate stress, pain and tension from both the body and mind. There are a lot of massage techniques that a therapist can practice and all of these techniques involve pressure application, stretching, rubbing, etc. in order to somehow heal the tensioned muscles and damaged tissues in the body. Swedish massage technique, deep tissue and shiatsu are just some of the most popular techniques/styles that therapists practice for quite some time now. Each of these techniques simply differs from how they are applied to the body but they can all definitely make you feel relieved and relaxed. But despite of this, you should also know that there are some risks associated to it that you must not take for granted. You have to take into account that not all people get good benefits from it because there are some that even suffered more after going through a massage therapy.

There are some risks factors that you need to look into and first on the list has something to do with the therapist or the masseuse. Most of the time, massage therapy is being performed by a therapist especially if you visit a spa or a massage salon. But not just because you are inside a licensed spa or salon, it does not automatically mean that the therapists inside the establishment are professional and licensed. You have to remember that professional and licensed therapist are paid higher than those that are not and this is why there are some massage therapy businesses that consider the option of hiring just any therapist. This is definitely against the regulations and laws but there are businesses that are able to get away to get away with this kind of practice. And if you are getting a massage from a therapist with no license, then you are taking a lot of risks. The therapist may not be able to do the job well and make your condition worst. This can really be a serious problem.

This particular situation can be prevented if you are going to use a massage chair instead or any other types of massage equipments because these things are designed to perform the job well. But the problem is when you do not own the equipment and you are not the only using it. The equipment can be a medium to transmit a certain illness from one person to another. This simply implies that massage equipment should always be disinfected after using it.

You are also taking a huge amount of risks when you have a very weak skeletal system. Whether you are going to use a massage chair or visit a therapist, pressure and force will still be applied on your body. So instead of reducing stress and tension, there is a great possibility that you will suffer from bone fracture. So before getting a massage, make sure that you are visiting a licensed and professional therapist. If you are going to use a massage equipment, make sure that you are using it right and it is always being disinfected. And of course, you have to consult your doctor first if massage can make you feel better or not.

Preparing for a Massage Interview – What Every Massage Therapist Should Know and Ask

Before you can start working as a massage therapist, you have to perform a massage interview to get the job, and interviewing for a massage position is quite different than most other interview processes. For many massage therapists, the first job they hold directly out of massage school is for a chiropractor, or a spa / salon owner instead of working as an independent contractor, and it’s important to know what to ask in order to accept the right position. Understanding if you will work as an employee or an independent contractor – especially when a massage therapist is beginning his or her practice – is helpful when deciding where to work.

Why You Need a Resume and Cover Letter When Interviewing for a Massage Position

While you will not be sitting at a desk or crunching numbers, you do need to prepare a resume and cover letter for your anticipated massage interview. Even though it is a non-traditional environment, your employer will want to see that you are a professional massage therapist who can represent himself or herself adequately, and a well-written cover letter can show that you have good communication skills – an invaluable asset when working with a diverse set of clients. Be sure to include information about your school, your modalities, and your intended certifications – the more a potential employer knows about you and your specific interests, the more you will stand apart from the rest of the crowd and the higher the likelihood that you will soon be interviewing for the massage position.

Coming in for a Massage Interview

When you receive a call to come in for an interview, prepare to actually give a massage. This might surprise some applicants, but you are interviewing for a massage position, and your employer wants to know what you can do and what your style is like. Because you want to be comfortable while giving the massage, be sure to wear an appropriate outfit for both a massage and an in-person interview. Often, clean, long black yoga pants and a collared shirt will do just fine. Unlike most interviews where applicants are expected to wear slacks and a button-down shirt, your potential employer will expect a massage therapist to be dressed for the test massage. Just to be sure, when you schedule the massage interview, ask over the phone what would be appropriate attire. Additionally, it is always a good idea to arrive at the massage interview fully prepared – a massage therapist should bring supplies to the interview such as sheets, and lotion or oil. While the interviewer will likely have these supplies on hand, it is always a good idea to be in control of the session by being fully prepared.

When interviewing for a massage position, depending on the size of the business, a human resources person or the owner will likely be the first person to sit down with you for a few moments and talk with you about your education and experience. During the massage interview, be prepared to talk about what you learned in school, what your strongest and weakest modalities are, what you envision for yourself as a massage therapist, and about your previous experience with clients. Then you will give a test massage, either an abbreviated (30 minutes or less) or standard (one hour) massage, showing your abilities to give Swedish and deep tissue massage. Interviewing for a massage position sometimes, but not often, involves you being asked to display competence in additional modalities that you have listed on your resume such as hot stone therapy, or sports massage.

It is important to be yourself during the massage interview. Just relax and give the same massage that you would give to a client. Do not be nervous, because it will come through in your touch. Your employer is looking to see your skill as a massage therapist, and the more natural and relaxed you are the better interviewing for the massage position will go.

Getting the Job and Working

If the massage interview goes well and you get the job, you will likely begin either as a full-time or part-time massage therapist. Be sure to speak with your employer up front about the method of compensation and your designation as either an employee or an independent contractor, because these are very different and can make a big impact on your revenue and tax filing at the end of the year. This is a very important question to ask when interviewing for the massage position as employees are expected to work during a set number of hours, can only work for one employer at a time, and must comply with the employer’s standards of service and instructions about how to deliver massage therapy. From a financial standpoint, make sure that you understand during the massage interview if you will be an employee, as employers pay the majority of the employee’s taxes, and the massage therapist is often eligible for benefits such as health insurance and paid vacation time.

Unlike employees, independent contractors are typically able to set their own hours, and are paid a percentage of the total revenue they bring into a business. They tend to have more flexibility about the type of massage protocol delivered and the types of services offered. If this is the type of work environment you have envisioned, you should establish this when interviewing for the massage position. For example, a massage therapist who is an employee at a large spa will be expected to adhere to the standard services as listed on a published menu of services but a contractor should legally have more flexibility. During the massage interview, ask if customers expect to receive a comparable massage regardless of which therapist they see, and if therapists are expected to closely maintain a massage protocol. If a massage therapist works as an independent contractor in a smaller spa or for a chiropractor, he or she is more likely to be able to decide upon which services to offer, the rate of the services, and the hours during which those services will be available. Another reason to clarify your status as an employee or contractor when interviewing for the massage position is because independent contractors are responsible for their own client records, and have control over those client records when and if they decide to leave their place of business. It’s important to understand this early on in the massage interview, because with this independence comes the expectation of independent costs – contractors do not have taxes paid for by their employers, and often pay a large amount of money out-of-pocket at the end of the year.

Longevity as a Massage Therapist (Employee or Contractor)

It is important to understand all of the different elements that go into interviewing for a massage position, and know which questions to ask before you get hired. In addition to being prepared to give a hands-on trial massage, you should also determine during the massage interview what your potential employer expects from you in terms of compensation, hours, employee status, massage type, and career ambitions. That way you can be sure to begin a long-term, profitable, and enjoyable job as a massage therapist, either as an employee or an independent contractor.

Massage Chairs Give You Relief Of Stress And Pain

Do you suffer from aches, pains and discomfort? Does it flare up periodically? Once it does it can also be very stressful. Many people are finding comfort in getting relief with a massage chair. Even if you don’t suffer from aches and pains, you should look at how a massage recliner can enhance the health of your body and mind. A variety of complementary treatments are being added into massage chairs.

When we come under stress our bodies react to protect itself. The normal reaction is the fight or flight reaction. The body protects itself by releasing adrenaline. The adrenaline gives us the energy needed for immediate survival. However, most modern stress is without such a physical release.

Stress can also cause stiffness in the body. When we are under stress the muscles are tense. This tension eventually causes fatigue in the muscles. This tension and fatigue make the muscle very tight and constrained. It is important to stretch out muscles when they are tight. Stretching maintains the elasticity of the muscle fibers.

Massage recliners are great for relaxing. When you feel your stress starting to build up, just sit down and touch button to activate the massage chair. If you want to escape from your reality then slip on the headphones and start the MP3 player to let the relaxation begin. Let the music relax and soothe your mind. The massage recliner will work through its regimen systematically relieving your aches and pains.

The montage premier massage recliner is equipped with an MP3 player and headphones. Just activate the MP3 player and the noise cancellation headphones will relax your mind. To experience your music in a new dimension, activate the music synchronization of the montage premier massaging recliner. The rhythm of the massage technique will synchronize with the beat of the music.

One very specialized massage technique only available in Panasonic massage recliners is the Junetsu technique. The Junetsu technique means ultra fine kneading. The ultra fine kneading massage of the Panasonic massage chair provides for deep muscle penetration. The rollers make a deliberate circular motion as it penetrates the muscles.

Many medical and chiropractic treatments involve the use of massage therapy. Massage therapy is targeting the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. Restoring flexibility and elasticity to the soft tissues is important in the healing process. Massage recliners are routinely used to provide massage therapy to the muscles, skin, tendons, joints and ligaments.

Omega massage has included in its montage premier massaging recliner a lower body stretching capability. This lower body stretching exerts a pulling force on the lower half of the body. You can stretch out your legs from the hips to the ankles with this stretching system. The montage premier massage recliner integrates the stretching seamlessly into its automatic massage programs.

Panasonic has designed its real Pro elite massage chair so that it can save custom programs from users. This can be very convenient if you would like a massage repeated in a particular area. The real Pro elite allows for a number of custom programs to be saved per user. This and many other advanced features are found in massage recliners.

A massaging recliner can help you reduce your body aches and pains and your stress level. A massaging recliner can deliver a soothing and relaxing massage at the touch of a button. Massage chairs are a great way to receive massage therapy on your schedule. Find out how a massage chair can help you reduce your stress during these tough times.

Self Massage – How 5 Minutes Can Increase Productivity at Work

Stress and relaxation; is it possible to have a balance between the two in the work place? Dealing with the constant pressures of deadlines and the toll it takes on the body can be draining. Spending more time at your desk may seem like the best solution but sometimes there just isn’t enough time in a day to do it all. Or is there?

Dr. Joyce Brothers once said “No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you could find ways to relax for at least five minutes every hour, you’d be more productive.” How can you possibly relax at work? Self-massage! Instinctively, we do it without even understanding why. Allowing the body to hoard tension not only increases muscle pain but also waists an unbelievable amount of energy which can ultimately reduce one’s focus and productivity.

Self-massage distracts or blocks the nervous system from sensing pain in a way that lessens its intensity. The psychological effects of massage are also well-known for reducing anxiety, stress, and even depression. According to Wendy Turnbull’s 1994/95 article “Massage and Medicine Merging” from the Ontario Massage Therapist Association Newsletter no.8, studies have shown that a 15 minute on-the-job self-massage was not only effective on increasing mental alertness but also in solving computerized problems in half the time with 50% fewer errors.

Here are some quick self massage tips for muscle pain relief at work:

1. Scalp: If you don’t mind messing up your hair, using your finger pads to massage the scalp can feel amazing. Don’t forget the forehead or behind the ears.
2. Temples: Rub your fingertips in circular motions at your temples for a few seconds.
3. Eyes: Take both thumb pads and place them just below the eyebrows where they meet the bridge of the nose. Let the weight of the head sink into the thumbs for a few seconds. Then slowly glide the thumb pads along the brow bone towards the outer end of the brows. Repeat a few times.
4. Jaw: Lots of tension can accumulate in the jaw. Massaging your palms on the sides of the mouth can relieve a lot of tension.
5. Neck: Use your fingertips to massage the back of the head where it meets the neck. Then glide your fingers in circular motions downward along the spine without applying direct pressure on the spine. Bending the head forward can give you better access to those muscles.
6. Shoulders: Squeeze the shoulder muscles between your fingers and thumbs on each side. This may create some headache-like sensation. If so, squeeze until the pain diminishes and add a heat source for 10 minutes such as a hot water bottle or beanbag.
8. Feet: If you have a tennis ball that you can bring to work, place it under your feet (shoes removed) to roll on while working at the desk. This will reflexively relax the entire body.

So the next time you feel stressed out, over worked or in need of some muscle pain relief, just remember to take five. Your body, mind, and boss will thank you.

Tips and Suggestions For Choosing A Back Inversion Table

For many, inversion tables are popular for relieving back pain, relieving stress, improving blood circulation and a person’s overall health. Back pain and stress are among the major reasons that people turn to back inversion therapy. These days there are more and more employees who are visiting their doctors because of chronic and debilitating back pain. Additionally, stress has become a staple in our current fast paced-lifestyle. These two issues, when combined cause significant tension and for many, pain, in the lower back region.

Inversion therapy can help many deal with the pain and stress caused by modern day living. When a person is inverted, the space between the vertebrae increases and this helps relieve the pressure on the disks and ligaments, and can eventually help reduce back pain.

Stress can trigger back pains, should and neck muscle spasms. It could also cause serious headaches. However, a 25 degree angle for a few minutes on the inversion table may be able to help reduce these muscle aches and encourage the flow of lymphatic fluids that work to flush toxins out of the body.

There are many different tables available in the market, with different designs, from different manufacturers and to serve different purposes as well. There are also manual and motorized inversion tables. A manual table only uses the individual’s weight to shift the angle, while motorized tables use motors to control the angle or the position of the individual.

The price range is usually from $200 to $1000 for each table. Motorized tables are of course more expensive compared with manual tables, especially with the technology it incorporates on the equipment.

Since there are numerous choices, it is important to choose the one which best suits you. Here are some important tips:

Be sure to check the maximum height and weight supported by the model you are considering. This will ensure that you would be getting the right support suitable for your body. Also, look for those with comfortable and secured padding and straps.
Look for tables that are stable and made of quality materials. There are models that have non-skid floor stabilizers to ensure the equipment would not skid while being in used. Inversion tables that use metal tubes are also generally better than those with plastic tubes.
You may also want to consider tables that are relatively easy to install and use. Your choice should also easy to understand support material, like a manual and ideally an instructional CD or DVD.

It is important to consider the quality of the back inversion table, over simple price consideration. Remember that you will be hanging upside down and during this process a cheap or low-grade table may collapse during use. One of the best ways to determine whether a back inversion table model is both safe and quality made is to do a thorough reading of reviews by both experts and users.

5 Ways To Make A Good Massage Experience Even BETTER!

As a massage therapist, I am always trying to find ways to help my clients get the most out of their massage experience. Here are a five easy-to-implement ways to turn a good massage into a GREAT one!


There’s nothing worse than stressing out, working up a sweat, and screaming at other drivers when you’re running late on the way to a massage or reflexology session.

Give yourself extra time so you can arrive a few minutes early and relax in the waiting room prior to your session. If you are late or are stuck in traffic, just take a couple deep breaths and know you’ll be there soon.

Stressing out will not get you there sooner and will also make it harder for you to relax once you are there.


We are a helping people. As such, many of us are inspired to try to help during a massage session. We lift our leg or arm or neck, in anticipation of the therapist’s move.

Please, please, I beg of you… DON’T HELP! It’s much more difficult for therapists to work with a flexed muscle than a relaxed muscle. We’d prefer to do the work (it’s our job!).

So please, just relax, and let us take care of everything. When you are thinking about what we’re going to do next, you’re NOT relaxing.


Is the pressure too deep? Let us know.

Would you prefer NOT to have facial massage? Tell us!

We cannot give you the best possible session unless we know exactly what you want.

Are you worried about asking for something different because you don’t want to hurt your therapist’s feelings? Trust me, you WON’T hurt our feelings.

We’d MUCH rather have you communicate clearly about what you want rather than have you go away unhappy!


We live in a body conscious culture. As such, some people come in embarrassed about their bodies.

Rest assured. Therapists are people who have a great reverence for the body. We love all shapes, all sizes, all bodies.

Ladies, we don’t care if you didn’t shave your legs today. Gentlemen, we don’t care if you have a hairy back. If we did, we wouldn’t be in this business.


It can be stressful to have to rush out of bodywork session in order to get to another appointment or engagement.

While it’s not always realistic to totally clear your schedule after a session, try to plan for a lighter activity day.

Though some people feel energized after a session, the majority of us are actually pretty sleepy and relaxed…a ten mile run is probably not in the cards for the day.

So, if at all possible, try to minimize the things you plan for after your session. Allow yourself the opportunity to ride the wave of relaxation the whole day through!

Here’s to your health!