5 Reasons to Massage Your Partner

When we bump our body on something, we naturally put our hand on that body part. Rubbing a loved one’s back or shoulders when they are experiencing pain or stress is another thing we do without thinking. Touch, or massage, is one of the most natural expressions we have as human beings. There are some very compelling reasons to use massage as a tool to connect with those around you. This list includes what we feel are some of the most important reasons to massage your partner…specifically OUR Top 5 Reasons to Massage Your Partner. We’ve been teaching couples massage as a means for partners to reconnect to each other for over a decade, and have had a tremendous amount of feedback from participants in our classes. Some of the reasons below were reinforced by people who learned to massage their partner with us, and others are basic massage benefits.

1) Massage boosts your immune system. There have been medical studies that prove that massage increases the efficiency of the immune system, through stimulating the production of the cells that are the first line of defense for the immune system, as well as stimulation of the lymphatic system. Massage increases circulation and decreases blood pressure temporarily. This benefits your organs and the overall health of tissues in your body. Doing something healthy for your partner is a great way to show them you care for their health!

2) Massage gives you a chance to reconnect with your partner in the craziness of the everyday. Frequently the wear and tear of everyday keeps us from connecting to our partners in meaningful, thoughtful ways. When you give yourselves time to come back together, in a slower pace, it allows you to open up to your partner again. Taking time to breathe, and enjoy some calm physical touch, can bring you to a deeper level of emotional intimacy with your partner.

3) Massage helps you to de-stress. Massage has been shown to increase endorphins, while reducing cortisol and adrenaline secretion. In other words, massaging your partner allows you both to escape stress for a little while. The inevitable deeper breaths you take during giving or receiving a massage allows you to use another tool that is helpful in reducing the stress response in the body. Deep abdominal breathing helps to further the relaxation response in the body.

4) Massage gives you a chance to practice receiving. When we are constantly running around taking care of everything that needs to be done, many of us don’t take the time to receive. We suggest that couples exchange massage on different nights, so that each partner can truly relax into receiving, or focus on giving. This will allow each partner to focus on receiving the loving touch and attention, which will offer an enhanced experience to both.

5) Massage is a tool to increase awareness. When you receive a massage, you become more aware of tension and pain in your body. This allows us a greater tool for health, and a way to notice injuries before they get out of hand. It also allows you to recognize what feels good in your body, or what is supporting your overall level of well-being. In using massage in this way with your partner, it allows you to work together for better health for both of you. For instance, when your partner notices over and over that one leg or arm is tighter than the other, you can evaluate how you are sitting or sleeping, which can increase your level of comfort from day-to-day.

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