Archive for the ‘ Massage Therapy ’ Category

How Massage Therapy Works To Help People

Used for centuries, massage therapy provides both physical and emotional relief. It helps to heal by increasing blood flow and releasing built up emotions. Other benefits include relieving sore muscles and reducing stress. Practitioners that are licensed must take numerous courses prior to licensure and then even more after to fulfill continuing education requirements.

Natural remedies, such as touch, appeal to many people. They believe that an individual should not be overly reliant on prescription medications or technological medical procedures for most of their ailments. The elderly, athletes and people with a lot of stress usually find this type of procedure very beneficial.

The tendency to store emotions within the body is completely human. Once they build up, they cause aches in places that a person would not think would normally hurt. A regular occurrence of this for many is at the bottom of the neck, just between the shoulder blades. However, this is not the sole place that it occurs. Massage forces these emotions to be released from their storage areas and from the body itself.

During sessions, many people tend to get emotionally overwhelmed and without knowing why. They may begin crying or become angry with very little reason that they can see. However, the reason is the release of pent up emotions, which following the initial outset, will help the person to feel much more relaxed. Having regular sessions reduced the overwhelming nature of the releases.

Those who are athletic in nature, perhaps competing in races or working out frequently, tend to put added pressure on their joints, tendons, muscles and bones. Massage reduces inflammation, which causes pain and injury. As it is very beneficial for two key ailments of most athletes, shin splints and joint pain, it should be sought regularly.

The aging effects of a reduction in blood flow are apparent in the look of the skin. The epidermis is tremendously benefited from applied pressure. The elderly cannot only benefit in their exterior looks by increasing their blood flow, but also in the pain felt in their joints or from arthritis. These symptoms are often reduced by massage.

This type of therapeutic treatment has been very useful in helping women that experience water retention and cramping during their premenstrual cycle. It helps to provide a release for the fluids and get the blood moving better. For those carrying a child, it helps to relieve some of the pain associated with child birth. The power of touch has also been known to help lessen breathing and respiratory problems associated with asthma. This all has to do with the advantages of increasing the circulation of the blood.

For many purposes, massage therapy is not meant to replace modern medicine as a treatment. It is a holistic approach to staying healthy and reducing negative stress or symptoms that could be problematic in the future, causing a need for modern medicine. Everyone receives a session in a different way and has a different need for it. However, anyone that makes it a regular occurrence can benefit from its provisions.

Recovering From A Sports Injury With Massage

Whether a person plays sports professionally or just for fun, the inevitable is sure to happen sooner or later. The sports injury. While it is a pain (literally), it is quite possible to recover from an injury just using natural healing. Be aware that not all injuries fall under the umbrella of natural healing, such as open fractures or a severe tear that requires surgery. Other injuries that have to do with soft tissues, such as ligaments, tendons and muscles can be put on the road to recovery quite quickly if a few simple steps are followed. Let’s take a look at some of the natural ways that sports injuries can be healed.

Nutrition is nature’s greatest healer. Often we don’t think of food as being something that can heal our bodies, but as a matter of fact it is a key player in our body functions. Eating the wrong stuff can cause the body to rebel against itself and cause more damage, but the right food eaten in the right quantities can have amazing results. In particular the super foods that contain antioxidants have almost magical healing powers for the body. These include fruits and veggies like blueberries, concord grapes, pomegranate and even the dark leafy vegetable kale. Every effort should be made to eat these in their raw form as much as possible to get the maximum benefits for healing.

Apply natural salves and ointments. A few of the really good ones out there are arnica for bruising, peppermint oil for swelling of joints and tea tree oil which has astringent properties. Other supplements can be taking orally such as omega-3 fatty acid (fish oil), Vitamins E and C. All help in the natural process of healing injury within the body.

Acupuncture. Not often talked about, acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing procedure that involves the insertion of tiny needles subdermally into reflex points along the body. It is very effective in the natural healing process.

Deep Tissue Massage or Sports Massage. Both these types of massage assist with healing of soft tissue related to a sports injury. Expect the therapist to give a more intense massage than normal and to spend extended time at the site of the injury to aid in the healing process. Usually, this type of massage is done regularly to assist in speeding up the healing of the sports injury.

All these natural ways of healing a sports injury are excellent for those who perhaps don’t want to get involved with using traditional medicinal ways of healing. The injured individual does not have to rely on prescription drugs (which can often slow down healing time), or endure a grueling surgery and weeks of physical therapy. Used in combination with each other, natural healing of sports injured individuals can have them back playing their sport quicker than ever. Natural medicine is gaining more and more popularity over traditional methods, and it can help people recover much quicker than other medicinal methods out there today.

Is Massage Therapy a Good Way To Treat Back Pain?

Of the many different causes of back pain, one of the most common involves damage to the muscles of the back.

Pain associated with an injured muscle is often short-lived. Muscle sprains from overuse, stress and overextension generally heal within a week. The muscles of the back can, however, experience long-term injury. If a muscle is constantly strained, tense or weak, a serious injury can develop that effects more than the muscle itself.

Fascia is a connective tissue that serves many functions in the body, one of which is to surround and protect muscles. Muscular fascia, or myofascia, becomes inflamed when it is near a damaged area. Inflammation is an attempt by the immune system to flood compromised areas of the body with chemicals that promote healing. Chronic inflammation, however, is harmful.

Inflamed myofascia causes severe muscle tightness and pain. Symptoms of this condition include sciatica, headaches and a limited range of motion due to the muscle restriction.

Massage therapy is often used to relieve muscle-related back pain. This non-invasive treatment alleviates pain caused by short-term muscle damage and long-term myofascial inflammation.

How Massage Therapy Works

Massage can stretch out tensed fascia and press inflammation fluids out of the area. Massages also relaxes tensed muscles. This reduction of tension and inflammation greatly decreases back pain. Massage also releases endorphins that boost mood and modify pain perception.

When massaged, the flow of blood increases and tissues like fascia become more pliable. This helps to restore proper functioning to the area.

Massage therapy was adopted from Chinese tradition. It was founded on the theory that the body contains energy fields that become blocked, and that massage can loosen blockages. Some practitioners still perform massages with the intent of balancing the flow of energy throughout the body.

Finding a Massage Therapist

Your search for the right massage therapist should begin by asking yourself what results you are seeking. Massage can serve many functions, and not all therapists perform every kind. Do you want stress management, energy balance, pain management, realignment therapy or injury treatment?

Another factor to consider is cost. If you’ve obtained a referral from a doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist or osteopath, your insurance may cover the bill.

Masseuses generally earn by the hour. Rates vary widely between different regions, but the University of Minnesota estimates the national average at $60.00 an hour.

If you are seeking occasional relaxation, maintenance or energy balance, one session a month may suit you. For stress management, two sessions a month is recommended. If you are require pain management, one session a week is suggested.

Before, During and After the Massage


Take a hot shower to loosen the muscles of the back.

It is generally a bad idea to eat just before a session, since lying on a full stomach while pressure is applied to your back can be uncomfortable.


Remember to breathe. When painful areas are pressed upon, the discomfort can lead you to unwittingly hold your breathe. Remind yourself to breathe, since oxygen must be delivered to the massaged area.

Speak up. If something makes you uncomfortable, whether it is the pressure applied or the fact of being touched, communicate this feeling with the massage therapist. The more the therapist knows, the better he or she can help you avoid discomfort.


It is important to stay well hydrated for 24 hours after receiving a massage. Massage releases toxins that must be flushed out of the system before they begin to recirculate.

Take a bath to prolong soothing effects by keeping your muscles loose.

Try it Out

Massage can reduce inflammation and repair muscles. If you’re suffering back pain due to muscle damage or myofascial inflammation, massage therapy may be a vital component of your treatment plan.

Keep in mind that massage can improve the health of the back in a number of ways. Aside from its effectiveness, massage has the benefit of being pleasurable. Not often do we encounter medicine that we can enjoy; massage can please your body and your mind.

Massage Therapy – The Advantages Are Many!

Massage therapists calm our mind and sooth our body from the daily wear and tear of life. After a good massage session, we are filled with fresh energy to face the next day with confidence. The job has tremendous potential. If you are planning to become a massage therapist you should know what clients expect from a massage therapist and what massage therapy provides to a client.

1. Massage therapy is highly beneficial to diabetics and elderly persons as they help in increasing blood circulation. Lack of circulation develops infections on feet and other areas of legs.

2. Massage therapy plays a vital part in reducing body pain. There are people who struggle from the pain and inconvenience caused by diseases like arthritis and conditions like muscle strain. They have to take medicines to get relief from pain. It offers relief without the help of medicines.

3. The benefits of massage therapy assist in healing injuries fast. It can be used in combination with other medications to heal injuries. It has been found that patients who are recuperating from injuries, sprains or even surgery are benefited by this combined method of treatment. This is greatly useful for elderly persons who have not so perfect an immune system.

4. Massage therapy makes muscles and body joints flexible and mobile. This helps people with stiff joints to move about more easily.

5. Further, this helps in reducing stress. However, one should be careful not get addicted to it.

Massage therapists are highly paid and is in great demand. If you are interested to be a massage therapist you should enroll for a good program. A high school diploma is the basic necessity to apply for this training. The course will educate you on various body related subjects and body mechanisms. When the course is completed successfully, and license received you will become a professional massage therapist.

However, there are certain things you should consider when you apply for the license. Different states have different rules for certification. In some states the set up is local while in some others it might be a more complex process. It is important that you are well informed with the licensing rules of various cities when you apply for them.

Licensed massage therapists can look for job opportunities in health related areas, rehabilitation centers, hotels, spas, beauty centers, airports and in many other areas. The job can be taken up as a part-time job as well as full time job.

Why It’s Important for Massage Therapists to Choose a Specialty

When massage therapists finish school and begin working, they might not immediately think of developing their skills for a niche market – after all, massage school is just the beginning, and you learn some of your most invaluable skills on the job! While most massage therapists focus on perfecting their Swedish and deep-tissue skills before moving on to advanced modalities, it is always a good idea to continue to think about how you want to develop your massage career. This way, you can take the classes and training necessary to develop your specialty early on.

Making the Most out of Continuing Education

Throughout the nation, massage therapists must abide by a professional licensing code that requires continuing education in areas such as communicable diseases, CPR training, ethics, and general education. While many massage therapists take the minimum number of courses, or pick available courses close to home that are convenient or inexpensive, it is important to take advantage of this educational opportunity, and pick classes ahead of time that align with your specific interests.

For example, students who have considered furthering their massage career within Reiki, neuromuscular massage therapy (NMT), or medical massage should consider that these modalities require several lengthy and in-depth courses, and can take several months, or years to fully complete. And while the process toward this type of certification is indeed more time consuming than, for example, a weekend class in hot stone technique, it is a step toward a worthwhile skill that not only boosts a resume, but also brings in new clients, helps massage therapists market themselves more effectively, and lays the groundwork for a lengthy and profitable massage career.

Start by browsing different continuing education options offered at schools in your immediate area, as well as regionally. Educate yourself about the time requirements, cost, and specific details about each modality, and truly consider what it takes to become a seasoned professional in that field. This way, you can maximize your time and money on required continuing education courses.

Sports Massage, Reiki, Pregnancy Massage, and More

When you envision yourself working as a massage therapist several years down the line – where do you see yourself working? In a chiropractor’s office? For a ballet troupe, football team, or running club? Maybe in a holistic center, spa, or independent practice? Every massage therapist enters the profession for various reasons, and it is important to understand what excites and motivates you about a massage career. Some massage therapists are particularly athletic or interested in sports, and it is this type of therapist who is most often attracted to sports massage. Therapists who enter this practice often work with athletes before, during, and after sports events to prevent injuries, and to treat existing injuries.

Medical massage encompasses several techniques, and can include sports massage, craniosacral therapy, and NMT. Medical massage and its associated practices are often performed by therapists with an interest in injury treatment and prevention as a full time massage career. Other massage therapists gravitate toward energy healing, such as Reiki, which is purported to create a healing effect physically, mentally, and spiritually. Therapists who hold an interest in Reiki may also be interested in acupressure, or aromatherapy. Therapists who wish to expand their practice to accommodate pregnant clients may be interested in becoming certified in pregnancy massage, which enables massage therapists to understand and perform a medically appropriate massage for a mother-to-be.

Whatever your interest for a long-term massage career, there are continuing education training courses available to further your chosen specialty. Again, think about why you want to pursue a specific specialty, and what you think it will give back to you and your clients. Do you see yourself utilizing the specialty skills for years with your clients? If so, carefully consider with whom you will spend your time and money. Find the right program and begin another educational journey. You and your clients will benefit from your endeavors as you pursue your preferred niche in the vast world of advanced massage education.

Certification and Training

Finally, sometimes continuing education classes and experience aren’t the only thing massage therapists need to practice a specialty in the field. Check with your state licensing board to ensure you have met the minimum credit hours for a special modality. To date, there is no licensing body for Reiki, but it is required to have achieved a “Level III” status in order to promote yourself as a Reiki master in your massage career.

Likewise, pregnancy massage is not governed by an accredited body, but most continuing education providers will not issue a certification until the student has completed a minimum number of credit hours, typically supported by graded exams, practical sessions, and homework. For certification in neuromuscular therapy massage as a career, massage therapists must take continuing education courses, schedule and sit for an exam, and receive a score evidencing competency in the field. The school or instructor of an advanced massage therapy specialty should be able to explain any applicable certification requirements.

Finding a specialty is an excellent step for massage therapists in their long term career, as it not only enables them to become well educated and better able to treat clients, but exposes the therapist to a whole new field of massage, and its benefits. So if you’re considering developing a specialty, do your research, ask questions, and have fun learning about how you can further your massage career while helping your clients.

Finding A Good Massage Therapist

Sometimes our body needs a tuneup and massage therapy is a great way to treat several types of ailments. Not all therapists are the same however and you might need to check out a few that offer the right treatment for you. There are many services and treatment options to choose from so some research should be done ahead of time before you commit to someone. Where do you begin. You can check your local phone book, yellow pages directory or the internet for services in your area but often a referral is the best way to seek out a good therapist. Talk to your co-workers, friends and family to see if they can recommend someone in your area.

You need to determine what ailments are you dealing with and can a massage therapist help relieve them. You want to make sure your needs are addressed during a session to get the most effective treatment. Sometimes you have to try out a few places before you find someone you are comfortable with. If you do your research and ask the right questions this might eliminate some of the time and energy checking out multiple massage services. You want to develop a relationship with this person who is going to bring you the relief you need. Some questions you should ask yourself:

Do I need therapy to relieve emotional or physical stress?
What areas do I need the therapist to focus on?
Am I suffering from specific or general aches and pains?
What types of massage are offered?
What do they specialize in?
Is the person licensed for this service?
How much do they charge per session?
What types of experience do they have and how long have they been in business?
Can I receive therapy within my time schedule?

To get the most effective and proper treatment, make sure you are working with a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT). These are people licensed and properly trained to practice in this industry. They are recognized by extended health plans and treat multiple types of physical ailments.

Self-Massage – Learn Easy Massage Tips for Muscle Pain Relief

Self-massage is one of the quickest and most affordable solutions to achieve muscle pain relief. The following massage tips are very simple. Anyone can do them. These recommendations can help prevent injuries, improve mobility and alleviate pain.

Although this is safe advice given by a professional registered massage therapist, please discontinue if you experience any pain or consult with your doctor if you have any specific health condition before you try them.

1. Observe and adjust your postural habits: Are your legs crossed when sitting? Do you sit on your wallet? Must you turn your neck to the side to look at your computer screen? Do you do repetitive movements? Do you tend to carry your child on the same side of your body? If you answered yes to any of these questions, chances are you are creating muscle imbalances, which, even though may seem harmless now, are in fact precursors to injuries. Correcting the source is the best way to eliminate pain.

2. Hydrotherapy: To ice or not to ice? That is the question most often asked when it comes to injuries and muscle pain relief. When in doubt, use ice for a maximum of 10 minutes. Ice is normally used to decrease inflammation (an excessive healing reaction that causes pain, redness, swelling and heat), which usually occurs during a sudden accident like an ankle sprain. Heat is only used once there is no more inflammation. Its job is to improve circulation, which promotes healing. It calms the nervous system and decreases chronic muscle tension. 20 minutes is sufficient.

3. Self-massage: Tennis or golf balls are practical tools when you need instant muscle pain relief. You can roll the ball on your neck and shoulder with the palm of the hand to relieve tight neck muscles. By simply placing the ball on the floor you can lay your upper back (the fleshy area between your spine and your shoulder-blade) or your lower back (avoiding the spine) on top of it. Keep your knees bent as you use your legs to control your body rolling over the ball. Another self-massage tip for sciatica is to sit on the ball on a chair using your hands over the armrest for support and pressure control.

4. Stretching: Think of the muscle as an elastic band. It will most likely stretch further and more smoothly when it is warm rather than if it was cold. The same principle applies for a muscle. To stretch tight neck muscles, look straight ahead and bend your neck so that one ear is leaning towards the shoulder on the same side. You may add the weight of your hand and hold for 2 minutes or 30 seconds repeated 4 times. Do the same for the opposite side. This may seem like a long time but it is necessary for muscle memory. Less than 30 seconds is pointless. Another stretch for the hip/buttock and low back area is to sit straightly on a 90 degree angled chair and to cross the right ankle over the left knee or thigh. Place the right hand on the right bent knee and lean forward gradually applying pressure on the knee to increase the stretch. Feel a painless stretch and hold for 2 minutes or 30 seconds repeating 4 times. Do the same for the opposite leg.

Being your own registered massage therapist is more than just giving yourself a massage; it is also about awareness and listening to your body.

Can Massage Benefit Bowel and Bladder Problems? Yes

For over 5 years I have wondered about the potential benefits of massage for bowel & bladder problems. Not just for constipation but for all problems of this nature.

I knew that massage had a well-documented positive aspect on our stress levels and overall well-being. However, research related to bowel & bladder problems was limited. You will certainly find opinion online but I was looking for competent medical research.

We now have that research with the peer-reviewed publication of research from Kristina Lämås, a senior lecturer in the department of nursing at Umeå University, Sweden.

Kristina’s double-blind study involved 60 people with constipation. Half received 15 minutes of abdominal and hand massage a day, five days a week for eight weeks, in addition to prescribed laxatives. The rest received only prescribed laxatives.

The results of the study showed that the group that received abdominal massage used had reduced abdominal pain, increased bowel movements and improved quality of life compared with laxative use alone.
The group also reported that abdominal massage is a pleasant treatment that should be considered in constipation management.

It makes sense that abdominal massage can have benefits for those suffering from constipation. However, could it be useful in the treatment of other bowel & bladder problems?

Certainly, massage has proven itself to be useful in the management of pain or discomfort. It might be worthwhile including a regular massage into your health routine. Especially, as this study shows, massage is a pleasant experience.

Why Human Touch Is Much Like Self-Massage?

How do we show ourselves and each other that we really love and care for one another? It is known as touch and the art of touch is self-massage. Studies show that without self-massage or massage, we humans will become ill; for babies they will lose weight, have a hard time growing up healthy, and will have a hard time developing healthy relationships with themselves and others. This touch can be from a loving caring parent, taker, sibling or any other person who is looking after the baby. As adults, without the tender caring touch, the body’s immune systems become compromised and we will also become ill, depressed, confused and the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies start to break down.

Self-massage or massage is not just a touch; it is a way of showing love, caring, healing, and appreciation for yourself and others. A lot of us think that when we use the word “touch” it means sexual, but that is far from the truth. Without self-massage or massage we cannot become the healthy, happy and loving human being we should be. Self-massage or massage is touch with a healing twist to it. For many humans without family, friends, or partners, there is always a way of having the greatest healing art of touch and this is though self-massage or massage. When we give our own self a massage, the body, mind and soul take a big breath of fresh air, helping to maintain, and prevent illness.
Learning self-massage or, as a partner, or just a friend, giving massage, what great gift to give someone you love or really care for!

All it takes is to learn some simple techniques that can be used on oneself or shared with someone you care for. This is also a wonderful way to get to know your own body. If self-massage or massage feels good to you, you will let a friend, family or partner know just how good it made you feel and they might want to try it too!

Here are the five major techniques that to first learn how to do safely. Effleurage (long strokes); Kneading (lifting, squeezing, along with rolling); Vibration (quick movement of skin); Friction (pressure on skin) and last but not least, Fanning (gentle, soft finishing stroke). Once you have learned, practiced, and experienced these strokes you can share, teach and pass on this life changing gift of touch; “Self-Massage!”

Various Techniques of Massages for Children

When using various techniques of massages for children it is wise to use an essential oil. Children with chronic inflammation can benefit from the oils as they have anti-inflammatory properties in them. These essential oils can reduce the chronic inflammation and may even get rid of them altogether.

Major illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, etc., have been known to be the root cause of these major illnesses.

When using essential oils on a child you can have the child inhale the oils, apply them onto the child as you massage him or her. A great place to rub the essential oils is in the feet as this area will carry the oils throughout the entire body. You can even find essential oils that are ingestible. Make sure you read the label carefully so you know if it is to be used internally. If the oil is only to be used externally- do not ingest it.

One of the various techniques of massages for children includes Swedish massage. When performing this type of massage on your child, you will use soothing, tapping and kneading strokes. By using these techniques on the entire body you will relieve muscle tension and loosen sore joints.

There are five basic strokes you can use when massaging your child. They are:

Petrissage where you will lightly grab and lift the certain area.
Friction where you will use your thumbs and fingertips to work deep circles into the thickest part of your child’s muscles.
Tapotement which is chopping, beating and tapping strokes on your child.
Lastly you will use vibration where your fingers are pressed or flattened very firmly on your child’s muscle and then you shake the area rapidly just for a few seconds.

Another one of the various techniques of massages for children include neuromuscular massage. This is a form of DTM or deep tissue massage that is applied to your child’s individual muscles. Neuromuscular massage is used to help increase blood flow, reduce pain and release pressure on nerves that are caused by injuries to muscles and other soft tissue. You will release trigger points in your child when using this type of massage technique. This type of massage will also get rid of intense knots of tense muscles that can also refer pain to other parts of your child’s body. For example, if you relieve a tense trigger point in your child’s back, your child may no longer have or have reduced pain in his or her leg.

Another type of various techniques of massages for children includes deep tissue massage. When performing deep tissue massage you will help to get rid of the tension in your child’s muscles. You will use slow strokes, direct pressure or friction movements that go across the grain of your child’s muscles. You will use your fingers, thumbs and even your elbows to apply the pressure that is needed to get rid of your child’s tension.